Special Needs
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Everyone’s Buzzing About Buzzies


buzzies1Buzzies is a wearable device for children on the spectrum. It uses neuroscience to relieve anxiety and stress. The devices connect remotely through the an App on your smart phone and control the non-invasive vibrating patterns emitted through the device.

Buzzies give the user a gentle stimulation or vibration. This bi-lateral alternating stimulation-tactile technology, abbreviated as BLAST, affects the brain and alters the body’s fight or flight mechanism. The technology is mostly associated with EDMR therapy, or the Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, which is a commonly used method to treat PTSD, anxiety, phobias and other associated psychological disorders.

Once you pair the Buzzies, you can choose from one of the pre-settings for Calm, Focus, Improve Performance, manage Anger, reduce Cravings, Sleep, or create a custom setting. Once you hit start, the Buzzies will begin “buzzing” or vibrating bilaterally. It’s this bi-lateral stimulation (called BLAST) that alters the body’s fight, flight, or freeze (F3) response that reduces your stress and anxiety level. For more research information feel free to look at the Research link on their website.

Who founded Buzzies?

Neuropsychologist Dr. Amy Serin and child advocate Vicki Mayo founded The Touchpoint Solution in late 2015 with the mission of bringing relief to the millions of people who suffer from stress and anxiety.

Who should use Buzzies?

The Buzzies are safe for people of all ages. They are an effective, accessible, and affordable solution to overcoming stress, anxiety, focus issues, enhance performance and sleep. Using the Buzzies for as little as 5 minutes a day results in improved focus and increased performance.

What comes in a set of Buzzies?

Buzzies retail for $259 and include:

  • 2 Buzzies devices to be worn on each side of the body
  • Charging cables
  • Wall adapter
  • A download of a Smartphone app available for both Android and iOS platforms

How do Buzzies work?

Using the Buzzies App, users can select from one of the six pre-settings  or create custom settings using the remote.

How can you get your hands on one?

You can order Buzzies at The Touchpoint Solution.

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